Sunday, October 08, 2006


على سبيل التندر يقولون ان بوش و ردا على المطالب المتكررة بانسحاب القوات الامريكية من العراق، قد طالب بدوره بجدول زمني لانسحاب العراقيين من العراق ! و هذا فعلا ما يجري بسرعة كبيرة فقد خسرت الكثير من زميلاتي خلال هذا الصيف و تعبت من استلام رسائل كهذه منهن ، تعبت من الصدمات بسبب عدم عودتهن بعد الاجازة او من اختفائهن المفاجيء و سماع اشاعات عن سفرهن الى حين ارسالهم ايميلات كهذه لي.

How are you , I really really miss you
I entered the exam and I hope that I would pass
now I am trying to find a job
I will try to e mail you when ever I can afford a chance like now
it is very difficult for me now but living in Baghdad with my big responsibilities with my children is far more difficult .
I will try to give you all the information that you need.
please wish me good luck because it is very difficult here
Best of luck inshallah to you

و الثانية
What are your news ?? How is the situation at work ??
I am now in Muscat /Oman, nice city. I had to pass an examination at the ministry of health so that I can have license for work. Leaving Baghdad at this time was the right thing to do & I should have done it before & not living under such stress for such a long time.
I am sorry that I could not say goodbye to you...You know how my situation was...You remember that I have done nothing & many rumors were distributed among the students..
However...I really hope to keep in touch with you by e-mail...
Wishing you all the best...

Regards to all

تعبت من ان اكون وحدي خلال ساعات العمل دون ان أرى أي واحدة منهن ودون ان نسولف أو نضحك او نشاهد اشعة المرضى معا

نوال ،سوسن ،عايدة ،ريتا
مفتقدتكم جدا جدا جدا
: تحديث
ريتا احتفلت وحدها هذه السنة بعيد ميلادها
I was little depressed because this is the 1st birthday that I celebrate alone. The nice thing that my family phoned me just when I was lighting the candle & they wished me a happy birthday ,so it helped me to raise my mood a lot .It is depressing to live alone in a strange country but the good thing that I am working more than half the I do not have much spare time.
ياربي لا تسامحهم ، كل اللي كانوا السبب فيما نحن فيه اليوم وماوصلنا اليه


At October 08, 2006 10:45 pm, Blogger Khalid said...

madri agool inshalla yrij3oon, madri agool inshalla tli7geehom!


khabreeni blayya za7ma:) y3ni kha9ara biyyah daqeeqa ti7cheen wyaya?:D

il bar7a ga99enach ani o eve, iktishafna innaho inti il sabab wara ma3rifatna ani wyaha, y3ni kolla 9oochich ya tara, hassa ani chinit sa3eed o mirta7 chan lazim t3arfeeni 3aleha y3ni? minnik lillah ya tara..minnik lillah...3al3omoom yomhil o la yohmil!

At October 09, 2006 1:12 am, Blogger Tara said...

لاء طبعا ان شالله يرجعون وبس تهدأ بغداد اعتقد انو اكثرية اللي سافروا راح يرجعون بسرعة (وان شالله تكون انتة اولهم).كل اللي سافروا ماراحوا وهم راغبين بل راحوا و عيونهم على بيوتهم واغراضهم واصدقائهم وعلى شوارع بغداد.و لا احد من اللي اعرفهم باع بيته مثلا
الله يرجعهم بالسلامة

و بعدين انتو اسم الله هسة يللا اكتشفتوا انو انا اللي معرفتكم على بعض ؟
انا اعرف هذا الشي من البداية
(سمايل واحدة مغرورة)

باقي الكلام حأكتبه لك بايميل

At October 09, 2006 7:17 pm, Blogger Khalid said...

ha! ya allah yalla ra7 anti`6ir il email:))
to gmail please!

At October 09, 2006 9:23 pm, Blogger Tara said...

على الياهو ميل من البارحة

At October 10, 2006 4:09 pm, Blogger Khalid said...

read it and replied from my gmail, please email me to gmail only, please?:))
areed dolma.

At October 11, 2006 10:41 am, Blogger Muhammad Aladdin said...

مش عارف اقول ايه.. مش عارف انتي ح تنقلبي حكاية في جواب لزميلة و لا لأ..

ربنا معاكي يا تارا

At October 12, 2006 12:14 am, Blogger Khalid said...

agool dazetlich email o kol shee mako! :D
areed email. areed gidir dolma.

At October 12, 2006 9:26 am, Blogger Bassam Sebti said...

Although I am happy and safe in the US but my heart aches everyday for everything happening to my beloved Baghdad! I miss Baghdad and the people of Baghdad, not the monisters who are killing people, of course!


At October 12, 2006 6:24 pm, Blogger MixMax said...

not all people left their houses in a hope that one day will come back. A lot of people sold their houses in very cheap cost just for the sake of having more financial ability to travel and to live in one of the neighboring countries.

I read in the news that now we have between 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 people fleed outside Iraq, and there are more than one million and a half fleed their houses and live somewhere else, either in tents or with other relatives in another province

Those criminals in the government did just exactly what Saddam used to do when he came to power. Any simple-minded person would think that what Saddam did to a community within the population is awful and criminal, but when this community or the other has the power, shouldn't they be more merciful and not to repeat the same disaster?

At October 13, 2006 9:25 am, Blogger Tara said...

يا ريت اسافر لان العيشة هنا مخيفة

بس تعرف ؟البوست اللي عن اصحابك في بلوجك هو اللي خلاني افتقد صاحباتي و اكتب هذا البوست

أشو صارت جدر ؟

treasure of Baghdad
people of Baghdad will be outside it & the monisters inside.
Inshalla things will change some day.

mix max
But I see a good number are keeping their houses & this gives me some hope that they are thinking of returning back. Regarding the government, t's all mess. No law & no rules & the human life is so cheap.No one seems to care about the disaster& this hurts even more.

At October 13, 2006 11:19 am, Blogger Eve said...

الهجرة الاضطراريّة أبشع ما يقاسيه الإنسان.. انشالله راجعين في نهاية المطاف يا تارا..
هالإيام في غنية عم بتعن عبالي اسمها :
je m'appelle baghdad
(اسمي بغداد)
يا ترى سامعتيها شي؟
فيك تشوفي الترجمة بالانكليزي هون:

At October 20, 2006 12:14 pm, Blogger Tara said...

ما كنت سامعتها بس كلماتها كلش حلوة
شكرا لك

At December 07, 2006 3:28 am, Blogger رجل من غمار الموالى said...

ربنا يرجع العراق كما كان أمناً وسالم .
.ويحميه من شر الفتنة والفرقة والتقسيم ..

At December 12, 2006 12:07 pm, Blogger Tara said...

شكرا لك


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